10.17 Meta Review

August 29, 2020

10.17 Meta Review

I actually have a pretty good grasp on the meta. I'm still optimizing the comps and positioning a bit, but overall, I'm feeling good.


I was surprised this comp shot up to first.

The only decisions you need to make are if you're going to hyper roll and if you're running Xerath or Viktor.

Don't forget to stack Neeko!

Mech Sorc

Reminder that GP items are more important than Mech items.

Space Pirates

Streak and put in a second GP at nine.


I finally did it: I took out Riven and put in Wukong. @Dummy Thic.

Astro Snipers

Still good. Nothing really has changed, just stack Teemo and put some AD items on Jhin if you have any extra.

Astro Vanguards

If you have a bunch of Vanguards and/ or Jhin items, go this instead.

Also, playing Bard was a grief, just go nine and play Gnar at eight.


It finally surpassed the strength of Blaster Brawler. I'm going to be spamming this one a lot!

Also note: I haven't included Blaster Brawler as it only had three wins. I'm sure if six Rebels got nerfed, Blaster Brawler would have more wins. At the moment though, this is almost strictly better to play.


It's suddenly back!

Position like this so Neeko can stun everyone and enjoy the win!

Also, if you get a Protector spat, put it on A'Sol, take out one of the Infils for a J4, and play six Protectors for a certain first.

Dark Stars

It still lives!

Haven't changed the comp in several patches, but there's a spicy variant that's popped up.

Protector Snipers

Never before seen comp. I'll have to try it out, but it seems like you just stack Neeko and chain CC while life-stealing.


Same as always. The only change I made is Gnar is better than three-star Malphite.


It's back as well boy!

You can also just play the standard BM variant.

Also, I have no idea how to position this.


I still have no idea how to position this.

Fornari’s Definitely Not Meme™ Comps

Same two as always.

Hyper Roll Blasters

If you only hit Kog, try this one out.


I have no idea when to play this, but I'll let you know when I do!

Meta Update

Like I said, I feel pretty good about my handle on the meta. Most of the changes I made were item or positioning optimizations.

What I Got Right

  • Titan's Resolve is still great and Mech is still very viable.
  • Astro Snipers is still fine.
  • Blitz is nuts.
  • Poppy is nuts.
  • Xerath is great in Egirls, but also great in Dark Stars.
  • Master Yi and BMs are still basically at the same power level, especially if you include Shredder.
  • GP nerfs were a meme.
  • I had Cybers as the best comp; they're the fourth-best.
  • I had Mech Sorc at exactly the second-best comp. I'm cracked!
  • I had Astro Snipers and Astro Vanguards as the third-best; they're the fifth-best.
  • I had Battlecasts at exactly the second-worst comp. I'm insane!

What I Got Wrong

  • Dark Stars is definitely not dead.
  • The Riven buff wasn't that huge.
  • Blaster Brawler is basically the worst comp.
  • I had Blademasters as the fifth-best comp; they're the worst.
  • I had Pirates as the sixth-best comp; they're the third-best.
  • I had Egirls as the third-worst comp; they're the best.
  • I had Peeba as the worst comp. Turns out, it's pretty good.

What I Didn't Know

  • Rebels is back.
  • Shredder is back.

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter