10.3 Meta Update

February 16, 2020

10.3 Meta Update

Praise Mortdog, Summ Sins is the best comp in the game.

This is one of the best metas TFT has ever seen. There's a ton of viable first-place comps with four s-tier comps. I'd like to see a small nerf to Needlessly Large Rod from 20 AP to 15 to balance out Summ Sins, Ocean Mage and anything running Azir. I'd also like to see a five to 10 mana nerf on Ashe's ultimate and a .05 attack speed nerf to Twitch's attack speed.

Throw in small health buffs to one or two Zerkers and call it a season. Also, four Mystic may need a small nerf or four Wardens may need a small buff, or maybe even a small Karma nerf, but these aren't too important.

Since I didn't do patch notes for 10.3 due to being sick and not playing, I'll just be going over comps this time.

P.s. You should always start Rod.

Summ Sins

Summ Sins is a very flexible comp. I believe Ace of Spades said Summ Sins is like saying you're going Mage in set one. As long as you have Azir and Kha'Zix, you're going Summ Sins.

Put the AP items on Azir, the AD items on Kha'Zix or Zed, throw a GA on someone and you're good to go. You can also put Thief's Gloves on Qiyana, Annie or Yorick.

This is the comp you should go if you have no direction with items or champions.


This is the comp I thought was the best, but turns out it's only the second-best.

Karma is your best friend and Leona will carry your early game. Throw Shivs and potentially a Guinsoo's on Ashe. Dump Last Whisper and whatever else you want on Twitch and call it a top four. You can also stack tank items on Leo; just be sure to prioritize Recurve Bows.

Ocean Mage

Edit: took out Thresh and put in Nami. Turns out I don't know how to play Ocean Mage Kek. Thanks A1iasX!

Comp's still good. If you don't know how to play Ocean Mage at this point, just wait for set three.

Inferno Shadow

Summ Sins Two, Electric Boogaloo.

Basically, if you get the champions for this before Qiyana or Azir, just go this instead. Throw Seraph's on Kindred and then do whatever the hell else you want. You can stack AP on Kindred, Brand or Annie, put the random B.F. Sword you found on Kindred unless you can make GA on Amumu or Sion and you're good to go.

Do you see why you should start Rod yet?


Blademasters will never die lads.

Put Hand of Justice on Yasuo and enjoy a top four. You should generally play this comp if you want to roll down at six and Rangers aren't feasible for whatever reason.

Note: I would not consider this an S-tier comp, but it's still very strong and gets first place. Just be mindful of the power dips which I have no idea when they are, I don't play Blademasters, and prioritize getting Blademasters before Mystics.


Preds are back baby!

Get either Kog'Maw or two random champs to level three and enjoy your top four.

Your spikes are going to be after Kruggs when you roll down to 20 gold, after third carousel when you roll down for the second time to get your three-stars, level six when you put in Poison, and finally level seven when you put in Karma.

Steel is the weakest synergy in the comp, so don't focus on it too much. Also note that stacking Luden's Echos is actually better, but I put an older build to give an idea of what you'll realistically go for. You can also mix Shivs and Luden's Echos.

Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter