10.4 Meta Update

February 26, 2020

10.4 Meta Update

Well lads, looks like Riot made and oopsie.

It turns out Shadows are pretty good, specifically Master Yi. Go Shadows, Throw some AD items on Yasuo, buy Yi, enjoy top four.

Other than that and Summ Sins seeing less play, the meta is quite similar to last patch. I'll go over what I got right and wrong in a bit, but first, let's take a look at most of the top comps.

Shadow Yi

See above for top four instructions.

Please note three things:

  • I have no idea how to position this comp.
  • Morello is solid on Senna and Thief's Gloves or tank items are good on Sion.
  • This comp is getting heavily nerfed in 10.4 B, but it should still be strong and played the same way.


This really surprised me. Rangers are good versus Zerkers, a comp that's gained popularity this patch, and Crystal is an excellent counter to Shadow. I had it below the top five comps, but turns out it's the second-best comp.

Inferno Kindred

If you find a bunch of Rods, this is the comp for you. You should try to start B.F. Sword, but if the game gives you Rods, make Kindred.


The buffs to Glacial and Olaf were really helpful. Zerkers went from being sparsely used to an S-tier comp. Make sure to put GA on Olaf!

Summ Sins

The Final S-tier comp. The nerf to Azir hurt a bit, but it's mostly the other S-tier comps pushing Summ Sins down.

If you can get an early Azir and another three-cost to level two, or if you can get a stacked Zed, this is probably a top-two comp, but if you're playing from behind, it's looking a bit rough.

If you have Azir items and are behind, you should probably just go Kindred.


I was wrong lads; Preds are not dead.

Stacking Luden's is optimal, but I put an alternative build in case you don't get three Rods and Tears.

Ocean Mage

This was supposed to be the chosen comp. Unlucky.

Zerker Sin

This is a for-fun composition that won two games in top-ten Challenger. I have no idea how good it is, but I saw it and wanted to include it.

I rate it a fun/ seven.

Meta Review

I'm pretty happy with my predictions. Most of the comps I got correct, it was just the ranking that was a bit off. However, Ocean Mage is not the top comp.

I cri.

What I Got Right

  • Zerkers are EXACTLY the fourth-best comp. I'm insane.
  • The Azir nerfs weren't that bad and Summ Sins are still strong. I had them at the second-best comp, but they're the fifth best.
  • The Crystal nerf was irrelevant. Called it.
  • Inferno Shadow is EXACTLY the third-best comp. Called it again!
  • Yasuo is still a viable comp, despite me not including it in the list of compositions. You should always swap your items to Master Yi unless you get a level three Yasuo or something goes horribly wrong.

What I Got Wrong

  • Ocean Mages are pretty bad. Still viable, but nowhere close to S-tier. FeelsBadMan.
  • Preds are most-certainly not dead. They're actually the sixth-best comp and on top of A-tier. I'm very happy about being wrong on this.
  • The Poison nerf doesn't seem to be as big as I thought. Neat.
  • I said Rangers weren't dead, but also said "... I think Rangers will be really weak." They're actually the second-best comp.
  • Husband-Wife still sucks, but Lights overall are ok.

What I Didn't Know

  • The Shadow Yi comp took me completely by surprise. I've been bad at predicting Blademaster comps, so I think I'll try practicing ranged, attack-based comps to better understand the game and give y'all better information.
  • Zerker Sins. This might just be a meme, but it looks cool!

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter