10.5 Meta Update

March 11, 2020

10.5 Meta Update

Nothing much has changed since this and last patch. Shadow Yi is a bit weaker, Electric is a bit more prevalent and Lights are viable. Also, Inferno seems unplayable, although I've had some success myself.


We've found a more optimized build involving Ezreal as your secondary carry unless you find Electric Lux. Just pray for level two Zed and use Ezreal to secure the mid game. Note that you'd put Braum for four Glacial in at level nine.

Shadow Yi

Six Shadow. Stack Yi. SMOrc.

If you don't get a two-star Yi, you still have Kindred. Also, Zephyr is especially strong in this comp.


Rangers has changed a bit. Due to the nerfs to Leona, Karma and the buffs to Ezreal and Glacial, it seems slightly more optimal to play four Rangers instead of just Ashe and Twitch.

Also, Ezreal and Kindred can carry you through the early game while you stack your Vayne until transitioning. It's perfectly acceptable to stack Kindred with AP instead of Ezreal as both are fairly equivalent until the late game.

Ocean Mage

Still here and still high winrate.


Six Zerkers. SMOrc.

You can also play Zed and Ornn if you get a level two Zed.


The more GAs you have, the better. As long as you get a GA on Yorick and a Giant Slayer on Lucian, it's probably a top four.

You can also play Leona, Karma instead of Yi, Taric.

Please note this comp sucks in the early game, so you probably want to transition from Rangers if you're getting a bunch of B.F. Swords or Chain Vests. But again, this is the comp that potentially abuses GA the most.

Summ Sin

Not that high up there right now. It's probably getting stomped by six Shadows at the moment.


Although it has a low first-place rate in Challenger, I've frequently seen it top four with many second-place finishes. It's definitely viable if you get a bunch of Luden's Echos or Kog'Maws.

Also, for the millionth time, it's more viable to stack Luden's or Shiv on Kog'Maw.

Correction: I didn't see the comp before posting it. I took out Nocturne for Leona. you put Nocturne in at nine.

Meta Review

I think I nailed this patch down really well. Let's take a look as I haven't seen exactly how right I was at the time of writing this paragraph.

Author's note: After going over it, I'm really proud of my predictions. I think patch 10.5 was my most accurate patch ever. Let's go strong into set three!

What I Got Right

  • Zyra is definitely viable. However, only as a transition unit, but I have personally had success in Diamond I with Infernos.
  • Late-game Leona is weaker and I'm seeing noticeably less Lunar buffs.
  • The Syndra buff was actually pretty major as Ocean Mage is really strong right now.
  • Shadow Yi is still insane. I had it as the best comp, but it's the second-best.
  • Electric is the best comp. I had it as the second-best.
  • Rangers are exactly the third-best comp. I'm nuts. However, the build was off as it's optimal to play four Rangers now.
  • Summ Sins are still viable. I had them at number five, but they're at seven.
  • Zerkers are the fifth-best comp. I had them at sixth.
  • Ocean Mage is the fourth-best comp. I would've possibly put them as fifth or sixth, but I stand behind my prediction of seventh-best. This comp seems to fluctuate significantly in Challenger and I'm unsure why.
  • Preds are exactly the eighth-best comp. I'm insane again.

What I Got Wrong

  • I haven't played much TFT since the patch, but haven't seen any Diana gameplay. It seems like the buffs didn't do much, but it could just be a small sample size. I still stand behind my prediction, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. It definitely was not a major change though.
  • Nocturne is still unplayable. Even Pred players don't want him.
  • The Ezreal buff was definitely not minor. It helps late-game comps survive and the meta is being heavily influenced by him. I probably would've put the change in Major, but it's actually Game Changing.
  • Inferno Kindred hasn't seen any wins at top-10 Challenger. I've had success with it, but it's definitely not the fourth-best comp. I'd probably put it around the same tier as Preds and Yasuo.

What I Didn't Know

  • Playing random five costs and making a comp around Lux is pretty viable.
  • Lights are viable now. Neat.

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter