10.7 Meta Update

April 10, 2020

10.7 Meta Update

Me Mech. Me no scout. Me hyper roll seven. SMOrc.

Start B.F. Sword, make GA, play a comp, get top four. GG.


Start B.F. Sword, make GA, play a comp, get top four. GG.

Also, you know, spread the items out, and rush eight for Ekko or something I guess.

Put Red Buff on Lucian ASAP for winstreaks.

This comp is really easy, just protect your streaks and you're good to go.

Star Guardians

A comp that really surprised me. If you happen to get a bunch of tears, consider forcing it and rolling down for a level three Syndra plus another random level three.

Also, if you get a level three Poppy or Neeko, Zz'Rot Portal is really strong and helps stall while your Sorcs one-shot enemy champions.

Mech Infiltrators

Me Mech. Me no scout. Me hyper roll seven. SMOrc.

You can force this comp all the way to Challenger. Just hit level seven, get a level three Shaco or two random level threes and you top four... SMOrc.

Chrono Valk

A comp that completely came out of left field from my perspective. I knew Kayle was good, but this is THE Kayle comp.

Literally never played it and just found out about it yesterday. Good luck lads!

Also, Lulu is replaceable, I just think she's the best standalone five cost.


Not quite the hotfix-worthy comp I thought it would be, but still really strong. Put IE, GA on Jhin, and either a Last Whisper, Hurricane or any B.F. Sword item, and you should top four.

Also, Lux and Shaco will randomly win rounds for you, so it's fantastic to throw some items their way.

Finally, Zephyring their frontline is really strong with this comp, so if given the opportunity, take it.

Hyper Roll Yi

Me Yi. Me no scout. Me hyper roll seven. SMOrc.

Get a GA and profit.

If you find a bunch of Blademasters, this is probably a solid comp for you.

You also get a similar effect by going Rebels, it's just more efficient building this comp to support Yi instead of using Rebels to support him.


I think this comp sucks. I'm sure most Challengers think it sucks, yet it's taken a few firsts in top-10 Challenger.

If for some reason you have tears and can't go Star Guardians, go this I guess?

They are fixing Vel'Koz's AI, so this should be a bit better next patch.

And yes, it's literally called the Calamari build; I didn't make that up.

Meta Review

I was really only wrong about Rebels and kinda wrong about Jhin. I think I'm getting good at this!

I didn't know about a bunch of comps, but don't pay attention to that, just look at how right I was.

What I Got Right

  • Jhin comps are still really strong, just not broken.
  • Protector Mystics is really bad, but not completely dead. Gottem.
  • Ziggs is boom.
  • The Irelia and Ekko buffs were huge.
  • Darius still barely sees play. Wowie.
  • The Warmogs buff was actually pretty solid. It's really good for Brawlers specifically.
  • The MF nerfs were even less impactful than I predicted, especially because they fixed her not turning.
  • Mech is the third-strongest comp. One away from perfectly calling it. I did get the comp slightly wrong, but I'll blame my friends for that one.
  • I said Cybernetics would be the fourth-best, but they're the best. We'll just say I got it right.

What I Got Wrong

  • Rebels actually suck. I thought the best comp of all time wouldn't be basically unplayable after the nerfs, but I was wrong. Oops.
  • The nerf to Ezreal is almost unnoticeable and he's either subbed or mained in quite a few comps. Still an insane unit.
  • Soraka is actually pretty solid in Star Guardians.
  • Brawler Blasters is still not good, but does have a few wins in top-10 Challenger. Think of it as a transition composition into Chrono Valk instead of a complete composition. Also, I called the comp Brawler Gunslingers. Oops again.

What I Didn't Know

  • Xayah is still bad, but she is playable as the sixth Blademaster in Hyper Roll Yi.
  • There's a viable way to pop off bad items on your main carry. Thanks Mortdog!
  • Chrono Valk is a comp. Neat!
  • Star Guardians is a comp. Also neat.
  • Hyper roll Yi is a comp I thought was a meme until seeing it won games.
  • Calamari is a comp that I disagree with, but technically still a comp.
  • GA is probably the best, or at least most essential item in 10.7. Consider investing.

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter