9.24B Item Tier List

January 20, 2020

9.24B Item Tier List

As not much has changed since last patch, I thought a tier list of this set’s items would be nice. I got in the habit of doing this for Set One, but haven’t felt comfortable putting them into tiers until now.

Items are rated on strength, frequency and situationalism, meaning how impactful an item is throughout the whole game, how many players build it and what situations is it useful. Items like Red Buff which are core to Preds, get a low rating because of their low overall strength, frequency and ease-of-use.

S+ (Always Build)

This tier is reserved for the IE’s and Frozen Hearts of the game. The items that were so good, they got hotfixed. The items that pretty much regardless of situation should always be built.

At the moment, I think there’s only one item that fits this description: Blade of the Ruined King. However, since I don’t include Spat items, there isn’t any item in this tier.

S (Always Strong)

These are the items that no matter what, you’ll have a good time playing them. Even if they aren’t the optimal item for the situation, they’ll still be one of the best. Generally, if you have two or three of these items, you top four regardless of situation.

There are three items on this list: Zephyr, Locket and Morellonomicon.

Although building three Morellos is probably inting, at least two regardless of situation is really strong. If you have a Giant’s Belt laying around, you’re probably happy this patch.

A (Usually Strong)

This is basically S-tier, but sometimes not good. For example, you probably don’t want a bunch of Tears in your Blender comp.

This is a pretty standard list with the exception of Rapid Firecannon. I think this item is massively underrated and can go in almost any comp. Throw it on an Assassin, or Brand, or Kindred or even Yorick. Who cares; item’s nuts. 

These are the nine champions RFC is viable on. Also note that this is the optimal positioning for this very viable comp.

Other than that, building any of these items is probably going to be really strong, so don’t give this tier too much thought.

B (Never Weak)

This is the tier for the big-brain gamer. You have to actually look at what your opponents are doing and what comp you’re building before you combine these items. They’ll be solid if you mess up, but won’t be strong unless used optimally. Well, with the exception of Thief’s Gloves.

Other than Thief’s Gloves, all of these items are defensive. Redemption feels a little weak because of the prevalence of Morello and the nerf to GA not being able to heal until reviving.

Thief’s Gloves are really strong early to get your win streak going and transition really well when you hit level eight. However, if given the option, you’d probably want IE or Jeweled Gauntlet.

C (Situational)

This tier is reserved for items that either require specific circumstances or are only strong at one stage of the game.

Giant Slayer and Luden’s Echo are great early but taper off a bit in the late game. Warmog’s is a decent item at all stages, but requires champions like Zed, Mundo, Singed or Renekton to be an optimal choice.

Quicksilver and Trap Claw are okay choices but are usually forced on you.

Swordbreaker, Hurricane and Red Buff require certain comps and aren’t remotely as strong as Hush.

D (Barely Playable)

This is basically the tier where you only have three items left and don’t know what to build or you’re in the carousel after Raptors.

There isn’t much of note other than Deathblade being decent against Yorick and Malzahar as their spawned minions count as a stack. 

And to all you Gold-and-under players: Guinsoo’s is not good; stop building it.

F (Win-Trading)

The name speaks for itself. If you ever voluntarily build any of these items, you’re trolling.

But, what about Repeating Crossbow on Yorick?


How about Frozen Heart on Kha’Zix?

Nice one-second slow.

What if I put Hand of Justice on Sivir?

That’s actually not the worst third item on her.

Hextech Gunblade Inferno Singed REEEEE.

Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter