- Ties are determined by lowest health.
- Cybers are dead.
- Shredder is a playable comp.
- Snipers is one of the three best comps.
- Space Jam may be playable.
- Vanguard/ Protector Mystics are better.
- Jinx comps are worse.
Game Changing
- Blue Boxes containing Neeko also grant two coins. Gold Boxes containing Neeko contain 66.7 percent more coins, from three to five.
- You can no longer run away to win a tie. Now, if two players die at the same time, the player with the lowest negative health loses the tie.
- A New Galaxy called Dwarf Galaxy has been released where you only have two playable rows instead of four.
- Littler Legends has been removed.
- Syndra requires 33.3 percent less mana to ult and deals 12 and 10 percent more ult damage at levels two and three. She can potentially be your secondary carry instead of Viktor in Riven comps.
- Cybernetics grant 14.3 and 8.3 percent less health and 12.5 and 6.7 percent less attack damage at three and six. Here's a hot take: Cybernetics suck. I've seen k3soju and Kurumx get the most bonkers openers and perfect Vayne items and still get third. All the comp does is winstreak you into a fast eight/ fast nine and then you have to replace everything, but almost never have the gold to do so. Soju literally got seventh with a pre-Raptor level three Vayne. Shit highroll comp that just got shittier.
- Jarvan IV has 7.7 percent more health, 10 percent more AD, requires 20 percent less mana, or one auto, to ult, requires 20 percent less mana to ult after first cast, and grants 15.4, 13.3 and 11.8 percent more attack speed at levels one, two and three. This is neat for playing a level-two J IV in the early game, but also could revive Shredder.
- Xayah has 12.5 percent more attack speed. Shredder?
- Ashe has 8.7 percent more health, 6.3 percent more attack speed, does 9.1 percent more ult damage at levels two and three, and stuns for 50 and 100 percent more time at levels two and three. Ignore everything other than the increased stun time. This should push Snipers to second-best comp and may make Space Jam a real comp.
- Karma shields for 20 percent more at level one and 12.5 percent more at levels two and three, and grants 40 percent more attack speed at level one and 20 percent more at levels two and three. This unit is super flexible and allows so many comps to be stronger. Even as just a transition unit, this champion is a crank.
- Vayne has 9.1 percent less health and 16.7 percent less AD. RIP Cybernetics.
- Jhin has 6.3 percent more AD, 5.9 and 5.6 percent more attack speed at levels one and two, and does 43.4 and 45.3 percent more ultimate damage at levels one and two. This unit is cracked; Jesus.
- Star Guardian has been nerfed to grant less overall mana, but individual Star Guardians have been slightly buffed. Star Guardians grant 40, 37.5 and 18.2 percent less mana at two, four and six.
- Poppy requires 10 percent less mana to ult after first cast.
- Celestial grants 33.3 and 12.5 percent more healing at two and four.
- Mordekaiser has 7.7 percent more health and deals 50, 33.3 and 60 percent more ult damage at levels one, two and three. This is really nice for stage two, is a slight buff to Vanguard Mystic, and allows for the potential to hyper roll Morde.
- Rakan has 16.7 percent more health. Huge buff to Protector Msytics and Space Jam. Space Jam may still need a bit more buffing, but Protector Mystic should be pretty playable.
- Neeko requires 50 percent less mana to ult after first cast, has 6.3 percent more health, and takes about 6.5 percent less physical damage. Protector Mystics?
- Ezreal has 16.7 percent less AD and requires 66.7 percent, or two more autos, to cast first ult. This is a deceptively big nerf to Brawler Blasters.
- Irelia has 12.5 percent more health, 21.4 percent more attack damage, takes about 26.9 percent less physical damage and 70.6 percent less magic damage, and does 29.6 percent more ultimate damage. Cybers are dead, but this is a really nice buff to Shredder. I think Shredder might be a really sick comp this patch.
- Jinx has 6.7 percent less attack speed.
- The second part of Viktor's ult does 20 and 18.3 percent less damage at levels one and two. This might mean Syndra is now your secondary carry, but I'm unsure.
- Aurelion Sol drains 33.4 and 40 percent less mana at levels one and two, and does 18.2 percent less ult damage at level one. This is a pretty sizeable nerf, but in practice, should only make level one A Sol really weak.
- Urgot got reworked. Essentially, he's tankier, has 50 percent less range and basically requires the same amount of mana to ult. However, the two major changes are first, his ult targets the farthest unit and grabs the first unit it collides with, and the Reel duration is three and two seconds at levels one and two instead of a flat 1.5 seconds.
- Ionic Spark Shreds 20 percent less MR. This should only change Mech a bit, but every other comp that builds it will still probably build it and be fine.
- Zoe requires 25 percent more mana to ult, or one more auto, but requires 20 percent less mana to ult after first cast.
- Soraka requires 7.1 percent less mana, or one auto, to ult.
- Janna requires 12.5 percent less mana, or one auto, to ult and grants 20 and 16.7 percent less attack speed at levels one and two. Unsure why we needed the nerf to balance her as she was rarely played in high Elo, but ok.
- Sorcerers grant 11.2 and 6.7 percent less spell power at four and six. Nice meme.
- Yasuo requires 11.2 percent less mana to ult. Neat.
- Vi does 12.5 and 8.3 percent less ult damage at levels one and two. Cybers are dead, but this is a solid nerf to Brawler Blaster.
- Fizz does 11.2 and 8.3 percent less ultimate damage at levels one and two. Good needed nerf.
- Riven shields for 11.2 and 6.7 percent less at levels one and two. Nice meme.
- Shaco requires 12.5 percent less mana to ult.
- Giant Slayer does literally the same exact thing. It's just been reworded.
New Compositions
I'm severely out of touch with TFT at the moment. My last patch notes had a bunch of compositional errors and I didn't even know Sorcerer Riven was a comp.
This will be remedied by the July 29 Meta Review, but until then, I'm only going to highlight new/ underexplored comps that I think may be strong to give you an idea of how to play them. However, you should check's leaderboards to see what comps pros are playing and how they're playing them.
Fornari's Guaranteed Third Place Shredder Comp™
I've temporarily stopped giving commentary as I have no idea what I'm doing, but just streak with Xayah, fast eight, roll for your four costs, then go nine and roll for your five costs. If you high roll, you may even take first.
Basically you play lower cost Baldemasters, Mystics and Protectors and slowly replace them with Irelia, Riven, Lulu and Urgot. GG!