- Jarvan IV is dead.
- Space Jam may be playable due to Darius buffs.
- Lucian is now a crank.
- RFC Yi comps might be pretty strong.
- Viktor got buffed which is a major buff to Sorcs.
- Just play six Vanguards with Snek 4Head.
Game Changing
- New Galaxy memes:
- Neekoverse is boom.
- Galactic Armory gives three component items instead of two complete items.
- There's a new Galaxy where every champion has a chance to drop one gold on death.
- Jarvan IV is dead. He gives 33.3 and 19.4 percent less attack speed at levels one and two. This, coupled with his hotfix mana nerfs has killed him. Unsure why we buffed him and then nerfed him into the ground, but ok.
- Lucian requires 14.3 percent, or one less auto, to ult. He also does 16.7, 25 and 46.7 percent more ult damage at levels one, two and three. This is the most powerful Lucian has ever been. At the very least, three Cyber is an excellent opener again and Lucian becomes a great item holder. However, I think in niche cases, Lucian three may be playable if you get Cybernetics. You're already incentivized to start AP currently, so having a Blue Buff, Luden's, Giant Slayer or Red Buff Lucian three into Cybers could be quite good.
- Two Celestial heals for 25% less. This should make it a bit more difficult for Dark Star to stabilize.
- Graves now blinds for 50 and 33.3 percent longer at levels one and two. Four Blaster is still a meme, but he may be playable in the early and mid game.
- Darius has 6.7 percent more health and requires 16.7 percent less mana to ult. Space Jam might be good?
- Master Yi has approximately 43.5 percent more physical resistance and approximately 52.9 percent more magic resistance. RFC Yi comps might be pretty strong.
- Jhin does 1.7 and 11.2 percent less ultimate damage at levels one and two.
- Viktor requires 14.3 percent less mana, or one less auto, to ult. This is a pretty sizeable buff to six Sorcs.
- Rakan has 7.1 percent less health. Another small nerf to Dark Star.
- Ashe requires 20 percent more mana, or one more auto, to ult for the first time.
- Neeko requires 10 percent more mana to ult after first cast.
- Vayne has 10 percent more AD.
- Soraka heals 13.3 and 9.1 percent less at levels one and two.
- Janna requires 14.3 percent more mana, or one more auto, to ult for the first time.
- Xerath requires 20 percent more mana, or one more auto, to ult for the first time.
- In the patch graphic, they said Urgot got buffed, but it's not mentioned anywhere. :thinking:
New Compositions
As stated in my previous patch notes, I'm severely out of touch with TFT. However, I'll be resuming playing this Saturday, so expect quality articles. Also, side note: I have a bunch of freelance gigs coming up Pog.
In the mean time, here are two comps I've come up with after thinking through the notes.
Space Jam
Hyper Roll Lucian
Red buff is a decent replacement for Giant Slayer, but after doing the math, GS seems by far, the best third item on Lucian.