- Mech Sorc didn't get nerfed.
- Dwarf Planet didn't get removed.
- Titan's Resolve is a tank item, so it's situationally better, but less forceable.
- Dark Star is dead.
- Blitz is buy-on-site.
- Poppy is buy-on-site in the early game.
Game Changing
- A new Galaxy, Manatee's Delight, has been released. You get a free Spat at the start of the game.
- Binary Star has been removed. Unsure why we didn't remove Dwarf planet, but ok.
- Titan's Resolve only stacks to 25 instead of 50. This means you get half damage at max stacks, but get the extra armor and MR earlier. I think this is a great change as it shifts the item into what it was designed to do. I frequently see champs die at like 40 stacks, so allowing for one or two extra ults is probably just a slight nerf, but allowing the holder to live longer so your other carries can DPS is probably an overall buff provided you have the items. So, you can't force it, but it becomes situationally better.
- Sniper gives 10% and 11.1% less damage at two and four. Wow, I was saying this a month ago. Or, just nerf Ashe. But screw me I guess. This kills Dark Star by the way, but Astro Snipers is fine.
- Blitzcrank resists about 22.6% more physical damage. Why the hell did this champ need a buff? You can literally play him in every comp, and now he's even more versatile. This patch is a bowl of spaghetti.
- Hand of Justice deals and heals 10% less damage.
- Shaco resists about 15% less physical damage. He's a shoe-in for Ekko, so fair enough. Also, we're set on killing Dark Star this patch, so at least it's on theme.
- Riven has 6.3% more health and resists about 26.1% more magic damage. I already use her in Cybers, so sick buff!
- Xerath does 6.7% and 10% more ultimate and splash damage. Dark Stars are dead, but Egirls are lit.
- Jarvan IV resists about 6.1% less physical damage. I guess we really hate Dark Star even though it's barely winning anymore.
- Poppy resists about 13% more magic damage. Not sure why we're buffing one of the best one costs in the game, but okay.
- Master Yi deals 5% and 3.3% less ultimate damage at levels two and three. This should only hurt hyper rolling, but if you play the comp as intended by slowly transitioning and going eight, this should barely hurt. See Mismatched Socks for details.
- GP does 5.5% and 3.6% less ultimate damage at levels one and two. Nice meme.
- Cassiopeia deals 16.7% more ultimate damage at level three. This is probably more relevant in Battlecasts than Vanguard Mystic.
- Neeko does 10% less ultimate damage at level three. We use her for CC, not damage. Nice meme.
There are a few small changes to power levels and Dark Star is dead. Overall, it's pretty much the same thing as last patch. Also, less Definitely Not Meme™ Comps.
Streak to the heavens and go nine. I'm not really sure what third item is good on Vayne by the way.
Mech Sorc
Go seven, roll a bit, go eight, roll some more, then throw in an A'Sol at level nine. Just hit and you win. It's literally that simple.
Also, don't forget GP items are the most important.
Astro Snipers and Astro Vanguards
They're both good. Just play whatever champs you hit more of.
Blaster Brawler
The Blitz buff is huge for BB. Two small changes: GS, IE is better than double GS. Also, put Ziggs in front so Jinx doesn't walk forward as much.
You actually don't have to Hyper Roll. Fast eighting is much better generally, especially due to the Riven buff.
Please watch Mismatched Socks to learn about Blademasters.
Space Pirates
This comp is cancer, but in a good way. I got my second 1st-place finish with Pirates :).
Streak to the heavens, get GP items, hit a bunch of Egirls, pivot to Egirls. Questions?
Get a level-three Kog and something else. Get perfect items. GG.
I have no idea when or how to play this comp.
Fornari's Definitely Not Meme™ Comps
Only two this time.
Hyper Roll Blasters
If you only Hit Kog and hit a random Jinx, Gnar, consider going this instead of Battlecasts.
Hyper rolling for the sophisticated TFT player.