- Lights are meta.
- PD is dead.
- Ocean Wardens is better than Ocean, Mage, Summoner.
- Blademaster Sins is stronger.
- Six Sins may be viable.
- You can see the drop rate of champions without using a plugin.
Game Changing
- Lucian just released. This, along with a ton of Light buffs, puts Light in the meta. Also, since Lucian is a four-cost, I think Light may no longer be a hyper-roll composition. My instinct tells me that RFC and Seraph’s would be really strong on him. Expect to see a lot of Lucian.
- Light attack speed bonus buffed by 50 percent and 25 percent at three and six. This, along with releasing Lucian may make Light an s-tier comp.
- Shadows now activate at three instead of two. Enjoy trying to slot in Kindred, Yi and Sion. This is pretty much a dead element.
- Ivern shields for 14.7 and 20 percent less at two and three stars. Neeko got buffed, so there is a viable replacement.
- Renekton heals for 10 and 14.7 percent less at two and three stars. This is pretty insignificant, but coupled with the PD nerf, Renekton is now relegated to a splash unit instead of a carry.
- Neeko has 50 percent more attack range. You now play Neeko instead of Ivern in Woodland Sin. Questions?
- Aatrox requires 17.6 percent less mana to ult. This is huge and further buffs Light.
- Soraka’s attack range increased by 50 percent and attack speed went up by 7.7 percent. Soraka may be better than Janna. Also, Lights Pog.
- Speaking of Ocean Wardens, Malphite’s ult does 20 and 50 percent more at levels one and two. FIFTY PERCENT MORE DAMAGE AT LEVEL TWO.
- The strongest stand-alone unit, Singed, does 25 percent less damage at levels one and two. God bless.
- PD is essentially the Dragon’s Claw of AD. It only negates the bonus damage of crits instead of all damage. That’s pretty unfortunate, but six Sins might be viable.
- Senna just released. The champions stats seem very weak. However, getting a Senna two early may be game-winning as having a free Giant Slayer every time she ults is pretty good.
- Amumu just released as well. This champion is basically five-cost Malphite.
- Cloud now has an additional five percent dodge chance at every level. This is a 33.3 percent buff at two Clouds. This means Blademaster Sins is even better. Interesting fact: Cloud Lux apparently had a low winrate, so this should help a ton.
- Electric now deals 42.9 percent more damage at two, meaning if you randomly get a level two Ornn, just pick up a Volibear and win the early game.
- Inferno actually got a huge buff. At three Infernos you deal 9.4 percent more damage for the first four seconds and Inferno procs off crits. If Annie, Brand and Summoners didn’t get nerfed, this would be game changing.
- Three Summoners give 25 percent less bonus health and duration. This isn’t the worst thing in the world, but coupled with the Annie nerf, Ocean, Mage, Summoner is pretty suboptimal.
- Maokai heals for 14.7 and 20 percent less at two and three stars. This isn’t as significant as the Ivern nerf, but is still a big hit to Woodland Sin.
- Annie’s Tibbers has 9.1 percent less health takes six percent more damage (29 percent damage reduction to 23 percent).
- Brand does 10 and 7.7 percent less damage at levels one and two. This may mean Ocean Wardens are the best iteration of Ocean.
- Taric requires 16.7 percent less mana to ult. This is pretty minor for level two Taric, but is huge for level one as he can get insta-gibbed if he’s front-lined.
- There are a few UI updates. TL:DR new players are happier and I can finally see the drop rates of champions.
- Four Ocean generates 14.3 percent less mana. The significant changes are the other nerfs, not this one.
- Ranger activation probability has gone up at all levels. Other than buffing a two Ranger splash by 16.7 percent this is completely irrelevant.
- Lux requires 5.9 percent less mana to ult and does 20 and 12.5 percent more ability damage. We take those.
- Giant Slayer now does 12.5 percent more damage. This item still sucks.
- Six Berserkers also gain 25 attack damage. I’ve never seen more than four Berserkers in my life.
- Yasuo gained five base attack damage. He’s still one of the worst champions in TFT.
- Sivir also has five more base attack damage. Neat.
- Yorick didn’t get nerfed for some reason. Also, he got buffed at level three. You will never see a level three Yorick in your life.
- Dragon and Rift Herald got some minor changes. No idea what that means because Riot loves being vague.
These are the compositions I think will be the strongest. Most of these compositions have been created through my research of the top 10 Challenger players and not through my personal experience. So, expect this to be a rough guide of ideas instead of a comprehensive list of s and a-tier comps.
I've also included core items on the comps I'm familiar with. However, I have little confidence in the positioning, so do your own testing and report back.
Lights may be the premiere composition at the moment. They are no longer a hyper roll composition, but can be. They only really require a Rapid Fire Cannon on Lucian and some on-hit items on him. A Morello on either Nami or Aatrox is also probably really strong.
Note the composition uses spats really well. If you get a light spat, take out Nasus and put in Zed. Other than that, find some defensive items, preferably a GA on Aatrox and maybe even one on Yorick and you're good to go.
Ocean Wardens
Like I said, I did some research on what the top 10 Challenger players were using. I studied 100 games and recorded the number one composition of each game. By far, the best one was Ocean Mage at 34 wins, followed distantly by Preds at 21.
Although Ocean Mage got nerfed, Ocean Wardens got a huge buff in the form of Malphite and Amumu. You'll have a lot of fun with this comp because you can aggressively press either the D or F key depending on what champions you're offered.
Surprisingly they didn't nerf Syndra, so just throw a Luden's, Shojin and ideally Rabadon's on her and you're good to go. Find a Morello user, ideally Nami, and just throw some armor items on your wardens. Dragon's Claw is also cute.
Also note that you can use Vladimir as your main tank, but need to get him to three stars and stack items on him.
Blademaster Sins
I have no idea what I'm doing with this comp. I've literally never top-four'd with it. I also have no idea how to position.
I do know one thing. A player called wx qq258790278 who's currently seventh in NA spams ONLY this composition and has a ton of success.
The few things I'm pretty sure of are: Clouds got buffed, so the comp is probably one of the best, Sivir needs Hush and Nocturne needs BOTRK. Sword Breaker and Red Buff are also great on Sivir, but you can use Hand of Justice to replace one of those two.
Also, from playing a ton of Sins I know that Nocturne does great with IE RFC and Qiyana loves Jeweled Gauntlet.
Six Sins
Ah; a comp I love. I've played a ton of this and Woodland Sins. Since PD got nerfed, it's time for me to spam some of this.
You can do anything with this comp. Hyper roll, press F, do whatever you want, build whatever you want. The only requirement is Seraph's RFC on Kha'Zix.
After that, go crazy. Find as many IEs as possible. Found some Rods? Put them On Qiyana. Assassin spat? Enjoy Rek'Sai flying in the backline. Pick up as many B.F. Swords as possible and enjoy the freelo.
Also, the positioning isn't random. Just trust me and position exactly like this. Completely ignore elemental hexes unless they're in the back two rows.
The only comp that hyper rolling is a requirement.
You generally only need one or two three-star champions. Contrary to popular opinion, Kog'Maw doesn't need to be one of them.
After making two champions gold, throw a Luden's on Kog'Maw and get a Morello for Mundo. Stack your Mundo with defensive items, ideally Dragon's Claw and an armor item, then immediately sell him when you find a Singed, AKA Running Man with Book.
Throw a Spark on someone, and there ya go.
Also note, the eighth unit can be whatever you want. Occasionally you get a three-star Warwick which is perfectly suitable as your final unit. If not, Mundo or any five-cost that you can upgrade is sufficient. Nami or Amumu are probably best because the comp lacks CC.