10.25 Meta Review

December 20, 2020

10.25 Meta Review

My advice this week: start Chain Vest and try to build in order Sunfire, GA, Solari or Titan's Resolve.


Go eight, stabilize, throw in random five costs, go nine, and throw in even more random five costs. You should hold five costs in pretty much any situation.

Kayn & Friends

This is the late-game comp. Basically go either Keepers or Dusk and some DPS champion, find a Kayn and swap all the AP items onto him.

Items don't really matter, but GA is highly recommended as Kayn will generally jump into a small group, sometimes die, then revive and finish killing the rest of the backline.

Note: this comp basically replaces Five Costs, but you can throw in whatever five costs you want.


As long as you have Elderwood, you can't go wrong. Just streak, fit in Brawlers, stack Ashe and put a Sunfire on Warwick so he can proc his ultimate.


Basically the same as Ashe, but you run a Chosen Divine and six Divine. You can also run four Divine and three Elderwood if needed.

At this point, you should be seeing a pattern of just finding four and five-cost champions that vaguely synergize and throwing them in.


This comp could also be called Chosen Elderwood as Ashe also carries pretty hard in the comp. You can run this as a weaker Ashe variant and stack AP on like Sett if you find a late Veigar or bad Veigar items.


There's a lot of win conditions for this comp: perfect Zed items, level-three Zed, great Kayn items or a lot of good Kayn, Yone and Riven items.

You don't need to hyper roll for Zed because as long as you're streaking, you're winning.

Chosen Aphelios

Find a Chosen Moonlight and stack items on Aphelios.

Two notes against traditional Aphelios play: you don't need to have a level-four Aphelios and you don't need Bloodthirster.

First, similar to Zed, you can just streak and throw in random good units. As long as you have Yuumi, Kindred and Warwick, you're going to clap.

Also, since you run Yuumi, Zilean, I personally advise Deathblade as Aphelios's base AD is 45.


This one surprised me a lot. It has a really low winrate as you generally want to pivot into throwing items onto Kayn.

The problem with the comp is Jhin's items are way more important and you need to hit Jhin, Riven and Cass two to even begin thinking about going nine. Also, Zilean one feels really underwhelming in the comp.

Chosen Duelist

Fiora buffs were actually way more significant than I thought. So much so, that if you find a Duelist Fiora, you can slam this comp. Even if you started Rod or Chain, you can slam AP on Fio and AD on Yasuo.

If you get level-three Fio and Yasuo, it's lit, especially if you have Solari on Fio. But again, you don't need to hyper roll.


This comp lost like 50% of its winrate. One of the reasons may be because people are playing six Warlord instead of three.

All you need is J4, Azir and Kat.

After that, stack Riven as your cleanup unit and pray you don't hit a bunch of Swords or Bows.


I finally have an Ahri build. I still have no idea how to play it :).

Meta Update

Not much has changed other than some optimizations. However, I was dead wrong about Dusk.

What I Got Right

  • Ashe is lit. I had it as the third-best comp instead of second.
  • Warwick is lit. I had it as the second-best comp instead of second.
  • Diana is dead.
  • I put Zed at exactly the fifth-best comp. I'm nuts!
  • I put Yasuo (now Chosen Duelist,) at exactly third worst. I'm nuts.
  • I put Ahri as the worst comp. I'm nuts!

What I Got Wrong

  • Dusk is way worse than I thought, despite being completely untouched. Also, Kayn got nerfed, yet playing Kayn is better than going Chosen Dusk. Unlucky.
  • Katarina is much worse than I thought. I had her at sixth best, but she's at second worst.
  • Veigar is better than I thought. He's at fourth best instead of third worst.
  • Chosen Cultist is not a comp.
  • My Ahri build was completely wrong, but again, I have no idea how to play that comp.

What I Didn't Know

  • Aphelios is a comp.
  • The Chosen Lux change is actually a buff. She autos exactly six times before ulting, meaning she'll proc her Divine buff.
  • Kayn is a comp, replacing Five Costs and basically replacing Dusk.
  • Kat is built with three Warlords, not six.
  • Veigar is built with Six Elderwood.

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter