Fornari’s Patch 10.25 Notes Notes

December 10, 2020

Fornari’s Patch 10.25 Notes Notes

The game's very much the same. However, you have more early-game options and can roll more successfully at seven.


  • You have a 20% greater chance to roll a four cost at seven.
  • Ashe is lit.
  • Dusk is completely untouched.
  • Mage Veigar is lit.
  • Vanguards are the best standalone frontline. Keepers are still the best overall.
  • Diana comps are dead.
  • Fiora is lit.
  • Kalista should work.
  • Galio no longer interacts with items like Zephyr and Zekes. I told you I wasn't crazy!

Game Changing

  • You can no longer cheat on Carousel. If you have an extra champion from Carousel, that champion will automatically be sold at the end of that planning phase.
  • You have a 20% greater chance to roll a four cost at seven. However, you have an 8.3% lower chance of rolling a one cost.
  • Elderwood grants 33.3% and 20% more armor and MR at three and six. Ashe and Veigar comps are even more lit!
  • Vanguard grants more armor at all levels. Expect your Vanguards to tank about 10% more physical damage at two and 5% more at all other levels. I have no idea why the hell this got buffed as Vanguards were already better to run than Brawlers, but sure, give me more streaks.
  • Diana deals 11.2% less ultimate damage at four. This, along with the Lissandra nerfs, kills Diana, but she's still a great transition comp into Dusk.
  • Fiora requires 11.8% less mana, or one auto, to ult and does 25%, 33.3% and 33.3% more ultimate damage at levels one, two and three. This means throwing in Fiora, Yasuo as your early-game frontline is way more viable. Also, you have the option of hyper rolling for Fiora in Yasuo comps.
  • Lissandra deals 8.3% and 6.2% less ultimate damage at levels three and four. See Diana changes.
  • Jarvan IV requires 25% more mana, or two autos, to ult. This doesn't kill him, but he'll no longer be the auto include, item-holding god he was last patch.
  • Kalista has 10% less attack speed, but her execute should properly work and account for all items and resistances.
  • Galio no longer interacts with items like Zephyr and Zekes. I told you I wasn't crazy!


  • Divine deals and resists 10% less damage.
  • Maokai resists 11.5% more physical damage and 35.3% more magic damage. More streaking Pog. Also, you're much happier about getting a Chosen Maokai in the early game.
  • Wukong deals 11.1% and 6% more ultimate damage at levels one and two. This mostly means easier streaking and being able to stack items on him. But, it also means Bonkeykong is just a bit more viable.
  • Aphelios has 10% less AD, but also now properly fires turrets when the Hunter Trait activates. Overall, this shouldn't change him too much when you have another Hunter, but he's basically unplayable, even as an item holder, without Hunter.
  • Yuumi has 8.3% more health. Ashe buffs Pog.
  • Warwick lifesteals 20% less. This isn't huge and Warwick will still be played in the same spots. However, it does make the argument to shift toward going tank Warwick and carry on Ashe with the Elderwood buffs. Just a thought. Also, he got a few bug fixes, so this should be a pretty small nerf.
  • Last Whisper reduces 6.7% more armor. Neat.


  • Six Mage grants 9.1% more Spell Power. We take Veigar buffs.
  • Hecarim requires 8.3% less mana, or one auto, to ult.
  • Sylas does 16.7% and 11.1% more ultimate damage at levels three and four.
  • Vi requires 16.7% less mana to ult, but reduces 20% less armor at all levels. Overall, this should be a small buff to her damage, and if you don't care about the armor shred, it's lit.
  • Lux's Chosen stat is Spell Power instead of mana. I think this is a nerf, but I'm not sure.
  • Xin Zhao has 6.3% more attack speed and deals 10% and 4.6% more ultimate damage at one and two. I don't think this is enough to make Xin Zhao a solo carry, but it's a nifty buff regardless.
  • Kayn does 6.2% and 4.2% less ultimate damage. Nice meme.
  • Sett will finish ulting his target even if they die mid ult.


  • Evelyn does 20% and 7.1% more ultimate damage at two and three, but does 16.7% less execute damage. This literally changes nothing. She does the literal, same exact execute damage at two, and will already one shot champs at three. At one, it is a small nerf, but very few champions have 1750 effective health in the early game, so this is basically a meme. Nice meme.
  • Talon got buffed or something. He's still 100% dead unless there's an entirely new comp he can fit into.


Pretty much the same as before other than Diana being dead.


Streak, go eight, get a level-two Jhin and Riven. Go nine. Win. Questions?


Get some swords and bows. Go eight, sell your Chosen and see if you're playing Ashe or Warwick as your carry. If you don't get a Chosen Divine, take out Nunu for your sixth.

Note: you can play BonkeyKong like this, but take out Irelia and stack Wukong with pretty much whatever AD items you want.


Pretty much the same as Warwick, but you stack Ashe and put tank items on Warwick instead.

Five Costs

If you have a bunch of health and a bunch of trash items, just go nine and play this. As long as you have healing reduction somewhere, you're good to go.


Get bows and streak. If not, transition into either Warwick, Jhin or Ashe carry. Easy.


Streak, go eight and roll to your heart's content. If you have a strong enough board, you can just go nine and play a random Legendary. Throw Fortune in at some point until you cash out for even more memes.

Note: Kat and Riven use similar items, so if you don't get great Kat items or are losing for whatever reason, you can pivot into Dusk.


This comp has a lot of flexibility. As long as you get a Chosen Mage or Elderwood and an early Veigar, you're good to go. Other than Swords, the items are pretty uncontested, so you should be able to play this, Riven or Ahri.

You can roll a bit at seven, but the idea is to go eight and roll infinitely for as many three stars as possible.

Note: Spats are really good and flexible here.

Chosen Yasuo

Same as all the other hyper-roll comps: either find a level-three Yasuo or transition your items to a four-cost carry.

Chosen Cultist

Again, it's probably better to go nine Cultist, but just play this instead... because I said so.


As stated many times: I have no idea what I'm doing.

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter