Fornari’s Patch 10.24b Notes Notes

December 05, 2020

Fornari’s Patch 10.24b Notes Notes


  • Galio is significantly weaker at all levels.
  • Zed is significantly weaker.
  • Hurricane does 10% less damage.


  • Galio has significantly less attack damage at all levels. At level one and two, he has a bit less health, and at three, he has just a slight bit more. The only really relevant part is streaking early will be more difficult. You'll still play Galio in pretty much the same spots.
  • Keeper gives 14.3% and 10% less shielding at two and four and last 14.3% less time at six. Read this change as a smaller nerf in relation to Galio.
  • Zed has 6.3% less attack speed and steals 16.7%, 14.3% and 12.5% less attack damage. Along with the Hurricane nerf, this should make Zed more of a streak comp and should generally be transitioned out of, unless you get a Chosen Shade or can reasonably go into Zed three.
  • Yone requires 20% more mana to ult and shreds 33.7% less resistances. He's still a go-to legendary, so don't worry about this change.
  • Hurricane does 10% less damage. Item's still a crank, but does hit Warwick just a bit.


A lot has surprised me this patch, mostly that Warlords are back to being strong. All you need to know is as long as you have HP and you're streaking, you're good to go.

TL:DR Just play strongest board and go eight and sometimes nine.


Yes, this, not Warwick, is the best comp right now. Stick some AD on Jhin, some AP and a defensive item on Riven and face roll the rest of your items.

The only thing that's a requirement is you need pretty much everything two starred.

Note: Zilean is really good with GA.


Start Bow and streak. You can use Zed to pivot into this comp.

However, you can also play this by stacking Ashe and giving defensive items, namely Sunfire, GA, to Warwick and using Ashe as your carry.

Five Costs

The point of this patch is to get a good comp and throw in random five costs. This is theoretically what your board could look like, but basically, just play a comp, roll at eight, go nine and get as many two-star legendaries as possible.

Also, make a Morello at some point.


It's basically Warwick but not. As said before, streak and pivot into Warwick or Five Costs.

Alternatively, you can get a Chosen Shade or a three-star Zed.

You can also carry Akali, however you should generally just play Dusk or Five Costs at that point.


This is my version of Ashe. There are many like it, but this is my own.


This is somehow a composition. I think Kat is massively overrated, but that's just me.

Build Gunblade, QS and a third item and you're good to go. Just attempt to streak with Kat and either get her three starred or go nine.

Note: you can throw in Fortune pretty easily with the comp.


Apparently, this is also a comp with a decent winrate in top-10 Challenger.

From what I've seen, roll for Veigar three and other three stars, get Gunblade, Blue and another item, then win I guess?

If you get a Chosen Mage instead, you can go six Mage, but I have no idea how to build or play that one.

Chosen Yasuo

Basically the same thing as Zed. If you can get Yasuo three, go for it, if not, just play Warwick of Five Costs.

Chosen Cultist

Again most people play nine Cultist, but just play this because I said so.

Same thing as always, either play this or pivot into Dusk or Five Costs.

Chosen Diana

Basically get Diana and throw in a bunch of five costs. Pretty simple mate.

This comp uses pretty much the exact same items as Riven, therefor, I highly recommend just getting Diana and Lissandra two starred so you can pivot into Dusk.


Once again, I have no idea what I'm doing here.

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter