Fornari’s Patch 10.21 B Notes Notes

October 22, 2020

Fornari’s Patch 10.21 B Notes Notes

Apologies for being away for a minute lads. Expect Free Range Musings to get back into full swing soon™. Also, some spicy articles may be around the corner.


  • Statikk Shiv is dead, meaning Warwick comps are much weaker, but still playable.
  • Sharpshooters are the go-to comp, but it's uncertain if it'll have the top winrate.


There's only six changes, so we'll just do one tab this week.

  • Adept slows attack speed for 20%, 12.5% and 14.3% less time at two, three and four.
  • Divine mitigates and also increases 20% less damage. This alone doesn't change much; it's the Statikk Shiv nerf that almost kills Warwick. However, as a splash, Spat or in Yasuo comps, it's still lit.
  • Akali does 12.5% less ultimate damage at level three. This isn't a huge nerf to Ninja, and getting a level-three Akali should still be a top two.
  • Solari gives 14.3%, 16.7% and 16.7% less shielding at levels one, two and three. This is still buffed from previous patches, meaning this item is still a crank.
  • Statikk Shiv only gives bonus damage against shielded targets. This means one thing: never voluntarily build Statik Shiv.


Not much has changed compositionally other than including Solari in pretty much every comp and a few synergy changes.


Synergy doesn't matter on this one. As long as you have a Jinx, a Zeke's and some tanks, you're good to go.

A few notes: If you don't get a chosen Sharpshooter, you can just replace Yuumi for Nidalee or Vayne. You can also play Vayne and go Dusk. Finally, I think Luden's Echo is the best damage item on Jinx unless she's level three, but at that point, you've already won.

Also, Sand Soldier positioning doesn't matter too much.


It's still a crank and it still is buffed via Divine and Solari. You can also go a Chosen Elderwood variant if you get it.


Especially since Sharpshooters are meta, this comp will be one of the best. If you get a Dusk Spat, you know who it goes on.


Um, streak into a level-three Akali. Go eight and roll. Not too much to the comp.

Chosen Dusk

You absolutely need either a Chosen Dusk or a Dusk Spat for six Dusk. However, the comp is still a crank if you get it, but it has a lot of power dips. You should still top two if you get this exact comp though.


I have no idea how good this comp will be nor what the best three items are on Warick. However, Lee is still a crank, so the comp should still be lit.

Chosen Warlord

This is a spicy counter to Sharpshooter. Line your QS Katarina up with their Jinx and spin to win.

Chosen Yasuo

If you roll a Chosen Yasuo, just go this and get a free top four. Streak at stage two, go five, roll for a level-three Yasuo and throw some items on your champions. Items literally don't matter.

Chosen Diana

See Yasuo for details on how to play this comp.

Chosen Talon

I've never had success with this comp, but I think it's because I've never gone Chosen with it.

I don't know how strong it is, but it should at least be a top four, especially if you get Blue on Lee Sin.

Also, RFC is replaceable for QS.

Fornari’s Definitely Not Meme™ Comps

With the Cultist change, this might be good.

Chosen Cultist

It could be good; who knows!

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter