Fornari’s Patch 10.22b Notes Notes

November 05, 2020

Fornari’s Patch 10.22b Notes Notes


  • Ninjas is dead, but Chosen Shade with Ninjas has replaced it.
  • Warlord is completely dead.
  • The Rabadon's buff has brought Dusk Riven and Chosen Diana into really strong positions.
  • Chosen Cultist is an actual comp.


Since it's a b-patch, there's only four changes.

  • Morgana's buff has been reverted. She does 23.1% and 23.9% less ultimate damage at levels one and two.
  • Chalice of Harmony gives 12.5% less SP.
  • Jeweled Gauntlet grants 20% less critical damage.
  • Rabadon's Deathcap has been further buffed, giving another 6.7% spell power.


When in doubt, force Ashe, Talon or Dusk Riven. Also, building around your Chosen for late game is quite viable this patch.

Note: I've changed most comps to level eight as it's very rare you can go nine until you hit everything.


The comp is pretty much Ashe plus frontline. If you get a Chosen Elderwood, you can play six Elder, or play a bunch of Brawlers, or even throw Aatrox, Sej in. As long as you have decent Ashe items and the Yuumi, Kindred package, you're good to go.

Throwing items on pretty much anyone in this comp is fine. Literally every unit can solo carry, including Yuumi.

You throw in a Lux at nine by the way.


Although Ashe has a higher winrate, I've seen a lot more Talon. It feels like when people don't know what to go, they default to Talon. The problem with that is Talon is a bit item reliant. However, if you hit IE, GA Talon, you're going top two provided you position correctly.

Basically, just position your Talon to jump on their carry. If you consistently do that, you're good to go.

You can throw in whatever you want at nine, but I really like Lee Sin or even Zilean.

Dusk Riven

As long as you get six Dusk, you're going top four. If you get a Chosen Dusk or a Dusk Spat, just go this comp.

Damage items on Jhin, pretty much everything else on Riven. Other than Spat and AD items, there's pretty much no bad Riven item, so just slamming early items on a Kennen to transition into Riven is perfectly fine.

Azir is probably the last unit you throw in, but the comp does need to go nine.


This comp has dropped a bit in strength, especially with the Gauntlet nerf. However, I'm here to tell you that IE, Gauntlet is still the best combination on Ahri provided you get the chance to.

The comp is extremely flexible. As long as you have Ahri, Yuumi and two Dusk, you can do pretty much whatever you want. Also, don't be lied to; GA isn't a requirement on Ahri, but it is her best item.

Note: you should focus on defensive items for Riven, but building aggressive items is fine. The comp does need a cleanup unit or two after Ahri ults. Morello on Sej is a solid idea as well.

Chosen Diana

It's basically Talon, but with Diana carry.

If you get an early Chosen Lissandra or Diana, you can definitely force this comp. Also, Rabadon's comes highly recommended, especially after the buffs.


Yes, this is a comp and it is called VietNami. And yes, it does have wins in top-10 Challenger.

Just get a Shojin or Bue with Luden's on Nami and get top four. As long as you have Nami, Janna, a Mystic and a Mage, you can do whatever you want.

Chosen Sharpshooters

The comp is only good with a Chosen Sharpshooter. However, if you do get a Chosen Sharp, just put a mana item on Jinx and get top four.

Note: if you get Chosen Vayne, play Cass over Yuumi.

Chosen Cultist

It's no longer a meme! You hyper roll your Chosen Cultist, go nine Cultist and get top four. However, I think playing Jinx, Azir, Sejuani is better than buffing your Galio, but I haven't tested it yet. I'll keep y'all posted.

Also, carry Jhin and throw some tank items around. I like either Shroud, Zz'Rot or Thieves Gloves.

Chosen Shade

The comp that replaced Ninjas. It's basically Ninjas, but with Evelynn instead of Pyke.

Not much to say about this; just streak with Zed and roll down.

Chosen Yasuo

Still a comp. Roll for Yasuo at five and go eight. Enjoy top four!

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter