Fornari’s Patch 10.23 Notes Notes

November 13, 2020

Fornari’s Patch 10.23 Notes Notes

It's pretty much the same as last patch, but it's Riven first, Talon second, Ashe third.


  • Cultist six and nine is slightly nerfed.
  • Ashe is now the third-best comp.
  • Chosen Shade got omega buffed.
  • Ahri is heavily nerfed.
  • Talon focuses lowest armor, so building GA on your carry is lit.
  • It's a bit harder for Sejuani to cast twice.

Game Changing

  • Hunter now gives 16.7%, 14.3%, 12.5% and 11.2% less damage at its respective ranks. This should kill the five Hunter comp, but more importantly, puts Ashe as the third-best comp.
  • Zed steals 50% and 16.7% more attack damage at levels one and two. Also, he deals 60% more ultimate damage at level one. I have no idea why they buffed Chosen Shade, but this should make the comp insanely strong. Being able to more calmly hang onto Zed two and not have to roll down is such an insane buff. If you get perfect Zed items, it should be an insta-first, and if not, it should still be a free top four.
  • Kennen reduces 35.3% more attack and spell damage. I actually forgot about this change while writing about Zed. Allowing Kennen to be positioned more aggressively is a solid change, but on top of all the other buffs, is way too much. Expect Chosen Zed to be cranking out some dubs.
  • Ahri does 5.3% and 3.7% more ultimate damage at levels one and two. However, her channel can be disrupted and will cast her ultimate early, leading to lowerdamage and a smaller area. So, if you CC or kill her, she does less damage. her ult is smaller. Correction: interrupting Ahri only lowers the radius, not damage.
  • Ashe has 7.7% less health and resists 19.1% less physical damage. Along with the Hunter nerf, this puts Ashe as the third-best comp.
  • Talon targets the lowest armor unit instead of the highest damaging champion. Also, his leap takes a bit longer. TL:DR just build GA. The comp is still insane though.


  • Cultist six and nine has been slightly nerfed. Galio has 5.7% and 10% less health at six and nine. He also has 20% less AD. However, he requires 25% less mana to ult for the first time. Also, at nine, he can't be crowd controlled for the first eight seconds of being summoned.
  • Two Dazzler reduces 20% less AD. Morgana, Ezreal and Lux are still cranks; don't worry about this nerf.
  • Divine has been reverted, giving 25% more damage and damage reduction. However, two Divine's duration has been reduced by 25%. There's some weird Warwick shenanigans I've seen popping up, so keep an eye out for any Warwick comps. Other than a Divine comp coming back into the meta, this doesn't change much.
  • Aphelios got reworked. He requires 55.6% less mana to ult, four and eight autos instead of nine and 18, has 7.1% more attack speed, but turrets no longer procs on-attack items like Rageblade. Also, turrets no longer grant mana. I have no idea what impact this will have. I'll let everyone know in a week if it's good.
  • Xin Zhao is basically three-cost Riven. He requires 33.3% more mana to ult for the first time and 166.7% more mana to ult all subsequent times, four and eight autos instead of three. Now, every ultimate deals 300%, 325% or 350% of his attack damage and grants him 50, 60, or 75 resistances at levels one, two and three. Sounds pretty good, ya? It is, but Katarina is still worthless. If Katarina got a slight buff that wasn't a joke, this would be huge. But for the moment, I think it will only impact Chosen Yasuo.
  • Sejuani requires 15.4% more mana to ult after first cast.
  • Warwick fears for 50% less time. Also, he gets 22.9% and 25% less attack speed from his ultimate. Not sure why we're nerfing this when the comp is seeing a resurgence, but ok.


  • Fortune gives stuff for 10, 11 and 12 loss streaks. The only reason I'm not putting this as insignificant is because I saw Soju get first with a 10 loss streak Fortune. This should generally be a meme though.
  • Akali has 13.3% more attack speed. You still can't play her as the main carry, so take this as another Shade buff.
  • Kalista does 12.5% more ultimate damage at level three. This might help six and nine Cultist comps, so we take those.
  • Lillia requires 20% less mana to ult for the first time and 7.7% less mana to ult again, four and 12 autos instead of five and 13. Dusk buffs Pog.
  • Kayn targets better. I have no idea what that means, but Rayditz said it's a good buff.


  • They buffed four and six Keeper or something. I've literally never seen either of those, so I'm not even bothering to do the math.
  • Katarina does 25% more ultimate damage at level one. This champion is one of the biggest baits in the game. She never ults, and when she does, she hits two units or the entire team depending on the comp. Either help her ult more frequently, like give her some starting mana, or reduce her ultimate by 10 mana, or give her some survivability. Or, if we want to go crazy, increase her ultimate range by one hex. But don't give this joke of a buff. She's unplayable and makes Warlord unplayable. Never voluntarily play Kat comps.


Roll at 4-1, also called the 4-1 lottery, and pray. Or play something other than the top three comps.

Note: you're going to see a lot of positioning where the main carry is weirdly positioned on the back-left square with two CC units. This is to smurf on Sin comps. Further explanation under "Dusk Riven."

Dusk Riven

One of the few champion-reliant comps in the game. You pretty much need this exact comp or it's an eighth.

As long as you two-star everything, it's a first.

Also, items don't really matter on this one. Just stick damage items on Jhin and randomly select six components for Riven.

From the previous note, Jhin, Azir and Cassiopeia are positioned like this to smurf on Sin comps. Talon jumps on Azir, Azir pushes Talon back, Morello ticks, Jhin eventually switches focus, Cass ults Talon, Jhin fourth shots Talon, GG.

By the way, you need to hit nine, or a Dusk Spat, for the comp.


The quintessential TFT comp. Do whatever you want until 4-1, roll down, and if you don't hit Talon, Morg, Shen, it's an eighth.

As long as you have IE and Morello, you can't go wrong with the comp, provided you hit Talon two. Where to put items should be pretty conducive, but for tank items specifically, the longer you greed, the more efficient they become. If you magically get three tank items on Yone two, it's a first.

Also, Talon items are pretty flexible. RFC and HoJ are great items on Talon. Throwing extra AP items on Morg is great as well.

Same as the previous note, Morg is positioned like this so Sins jump on Lux and get stalled for a bit while Talon parkours around the map.


I don't know why the hell we're playing Irelia in this comp because Yuumi, Nunu crank out way harder than Lux, Irelia.

Literally put items on whoever you want in the comp, it actually doesn't matter. This is pretty much Riven, but you can stay eight instead of going nine.


I have no idea what the strength of the comp is now, but I do know no one's contesting it. Throw a GA and some AP on Ahri and see what happens.

Also, prioritize tank items for Riven.

Chosen Sharpshooter

If you get a Chosen Sharp, just force this and get top four.

If it's Vayne, you play Cass instead of Yuumi, and if it's Nid, you play J4 instead of Yuumi.

This comp is really item reliant, so if you don't get insane items or streak really hard, don't play it.

Five Costs

I have no idea what to do here. Put a Morello on someone and have fun. There's literally no way you get anything less than a second if you hit all these champs.

Obviously only go this comp if you're streaking and hit an early nine.

Chosen Shade

This is the easiest top four of your life. If you hit a Chosen Zed, it's omega free.

Just throw items around and the only decision you have to make is if you frontline Kennen or Riven. Also, if there's a bunch of carries on the right, shift the comp to the right, and vice versa for left.

Chosen Diana

If you get a Moonlight Diana or Lissandra, just go this. Put three items on Diana, some AD on Talon and support items on Morg. Easy top four.

Chosen Cultist

As stated last week, I think this is better than going nine Cultist, but I'm not sure. I played it once and got eighth, so not sure what to say about that.

You still carry Jhin regardless of if you go six or nine Cultist.

Chosen Yasuo

Same as always, but play Xin over Fiora.


If you don't get Luden's by Carousel, don't go this comp. However, if you do, just streak early with Nami, get her to three, go seven, roll a bit, then go eight and finish your comp.

GA is strong because of Talon, so try to get that over QS or Trap Claw. Should be a fun top four.

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Written by Kevin Fornari
Kevin Fornari, also known to some as 'Funzari', is an avid fan of isometric games and has a knack for eating pizza, putting ketchup and pepper on hot dogs, and losing to Joseph at racquetball. While he's conquered many challenges, he steers clear of jungling in League of Legends, claiming it's just an elaborate ruse to ruin his day. You should follow them on Twitter